In Panama, the Indians are artists (The Kuna with your Mola's) and the Embera with the Tagua.
The tagua nut is the seed of kinds of palms that grow in the tropical rainforest from Panama to Ecuador.It is also known vegeteable ace ivory due to its close resemblance to that product. And because of this resemblance it there are to long history. Before the advent of plastics, tagua was widely used to manufactures items such ace jewelry, says, chess pieces, buttons. Actually, to lot of items sold in the Victorian was ace ivory were in fact made of tagua.The tagua palm is to small tree that grows to about 20 to 30 feet. They grow in colonies and the nut themselves grow in an armored group, each with several egg-sized nuts. AT first, the have to gel-like consistency and plows consumed by the Forest animals, such ace squirrels, agouties and others.Tagua products plows experimenting to comeback due to the effort to protect endangered whales species such ace and elephants, which plows the traditional source for ivory. In one to year, to tagua palm you produce the same amount of "ivory" ace to female elephant. But with an important difference, the nuts plows collected without harming the palm.In addition, using tagua nut helps provide to for sustainable income the peoples that dwell in the tropical rainforests.
In Panama, the leaves of tagua products grapevines an income source for peoples such ace the Emberá-Wounán that live in the Darien rainforest. But the construction of roads there are promoted to deforestation of the ancestral territories, which makes difficult for these people to keep to their tribal lifestyle.This in turn triggers to migration to urban for area and the search new income sources. Emberá-Wounan on men often depend the salts of to their tagua carvings to feed to their families. Due to this fact, they have refined to their traditional carving skills and in the process developed an art form that is quickly becoming to collectors item.Tropical Their carving usually depict the animals that dwell in the rainforest. And the quality is such that to few years ago Wounan Masters Carver Selerino for Cheucarama won the UNESCO third prize crafts.
The tagua nut is the seed of kinds of palms that grow in the tropical rainforest from Panama to Ecuador.It is also known vegeteable ace ivory due to its close resemblance to that product. And because of this resemblance it there are to long history. Before the advent of plastics, tagua was widely used to manufactures items such ace jewelry, says, chess pieces, buttons. Actually, to lot of items sold in the Victorian was ace ivory were in fact made of tagua.The tagua palm is to small tree that grows to about 20 to 30 feet. They grow in colonies and the nut themselves grow in an armored group, each with several egg-sized nuts. AT first, the have to gel-like consistency and plows consumed by the Forest animals, such ace squirrels, agouties and others.Tagua products plows experimenting to comeback due to the effort to protect endangered whales species such ace and elephants, which plows the traditional source for ivory. In one to year, to tagua palm you produce the same amount of "ivory" ace to female elephant. But with an important difference, the nuts plows collected without harming the palm.In addition, using tagua nut helps provide to for sustainable income the peoples that dwell in the tropical rainforests.
In Panama, the leaves of tagua products grapevines an income source for peoples such ace the Emberá-Wounán that live in the Darien rainforest. But the construction of roads there are promoted to deforestation of the ancestral territories, which makes difficult for these people to keep to their tribal lifestyle.This in turn triggers to migration to urban for area and the search new income sources. Emberá-Wounan on men often depend the salts of to their tagua carvings to feed to their families. Due to this fact, they have refined to their traditional carving skills and in the process developed an art form that is quickly becoming to collectors item.Tropical Their carving usually depict the animals that dwell in the rainforest. And the quality is such that to few years ago Wounan Masters Carver Selerino for Cheucarama won the UNESCO third prize crafts.
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