Living in a hotel with the best view ocean, close to malls, casinos, restaurants, movies and much more, with the exclusive support of the Decameron Group.
OPTION A: Condo - Hotel
Apartment with the availability to rent while you are out of town. You can become a member by paying a one time investment membership of $10,000.00. This unit should assume the standard equipment cost.
Residence Services:
Room service including: Deaning (laundry, express check out, maid & errands)
Hotel facilities (swimming pool, bar, spa, restaurants, casino, mall)
LOCATION: Balboa Avenue
PRICE: FROM US$ 130,000.00
Additional Services:
OPTION A: Condo - Hotel
Apartment with the availability to rent while you are out of town. You can become a member by paying a one time investment membership of $10,000.00. This unit should assume the standard equipment cost.
Residence Services:
Room service including: Deaning (laundry, express check out, maid & errands)
Hotel facilities (swimming pool, bar, spa, restaurants, casino, mall)
LOCATION: Balboa Avenue
PRICE: FROM US$ 130,000.00
Additional Services:
- Decameron Explorer Travel Agency Tour Desk with transfer service between the three hotels and the Airport, sale of excursion packages, sale of airline tickets, flight confirmation.
- Hostess Services
- Express check in and check out
- Baby - sitter
- Medical doctor
- Laundry
- Money exchange
- Automobile and limo rental
- Taxi cab station
- Valet parking
- Connection to the Majestic Casino, direct gateway to Multicentro, City's most modern shopping mall.
A megalopolis, or megapolis, is defined as an extensive metropolitan area or a long chain of roughly continuous metropolitan areas in the United States and Canada. The term was first used in the United States by Jean Gottmann in 1957, to describe the huge urban area along the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. from Boston, Massachusetts to Washington, D.C. According to Gottmann, sportsbook, it resulted from changes in work and social habits. See also: BosWash, ChiPitts, Quebec City-Windsor Corridor, SanSan, and Bajalta California. A megalopolis is also frequently a megacity, megapolitan area, or a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of 10 million people. http://www.enterbet.com
Panama Megapolis is expected to be completed by 2010. Don’t miss the change to purchase a unit as a second home, with the opportunity to rent it during the time you are away from Panama.costa rica fishingIt will have additional benefits besides the profit of the rent; you will be PAMPERED with room service and many other additional services, created just for you.
Decameron offers visitors a complete holiday and you can quite literally choose how to spend your vacation. You could choose to laze by the pool or on the beach or join in the many activities the resort offers.
Decameron Panama
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